Saturday, December 25, 2010

My First Blog, Who Am I?

Well first thanks for visiting my NEOPRO Website!

A little background about me is that I've been playing football since I was 5 years old, and played until I was injured my senor year in high school. I was never able to play in college due to a serious injury.

Since then, I've always wanted to do something in the field of sports or fitness, rather if it was to play football professionally or teach someone to build their body, to also accomplish their own goals.

Back when I stop playing football, I also stop taking care of my body and eating healthy, but when my son was born I felt that I needed to change my habits and begin to take charge of my life and really go after my dream in the sports and fitness industry.

I am certified by NASM as a Personal Trainer, also have other credentials under NASM as a Corrective Exercise Specialist, and Performance Enhancement Specialist.

I have also lost over 120 pounds and feel GREAT!

To anyone who is curious to know how you can also get your weight under control, and or how to get into the best shape of your life.

contact me here.

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